Call For Papers
ICCARVE 2023 provides a leading forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision Engineering. The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. Accordingly, Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
- Control Science and Engineering
- Adaptive control
- Robust control
- Process control
- Complex systems
- Co-operative control
- Identification and estimation
- Nonlinear systems
- Intelligent systems
- Discrete event systems
- Hybrid systems
- Networked control systems
- Sensor network systems
- Delay systems
- Neural networks
- Fuzzy systems
- Control of biological systems
- Precision motion control
- Control applications
- Control engineering education
- Automation Science and Engineering
- Man-machine interactions
- Process automation
- Intelligent automation
- Factory modeling and simulation
- Home, laboratory and service automation
- Network-based systems
- Planning, scheduling and coordination
- Nano-scale automation and assembly
- Instrumentation systems
- Biomedical instrumentation and applications
- Robotics Science and Engineering
- Modeling and identification
- Robot control
- Mobile robotics
- Mobile sensor networks
- Perception systems
- Micro robots and micro-manipulation
- Visual servoing
- Search, rescue and field robotics
- Robot sensing and data fusion
- Localization, navigation and mapping
- Dexterous manipulation
- Medical robots and bio-robotics
- Human centered systems
- Space and underwater robots
- Tele-robotics
- Mechanism design and application
- Vision Science and Engineering
- Image/video analysis
- Feature extraction, grouping and segmentation
- Scene analysis
- Pattern recognition
- Learning in vision
- Human-computer interaction
- Tracking and surveillance
- Biometrics
- Biomedical Image analysis
- Activity/behaviour recognition
- Applications