Submission FAQ

Submission FAQ

1Q.If my abstract is not accepted, can I still attend the conference?
Ans: Yes, you can attend as a listener/delegate

2Q. How do I submit my abstract?
Ans: Submit your abstract in the provided abstract template or send it via email at

3Q.I am the co-author of the paper. Can I present the work at the conference?
Ans: With the consent of the main author, co-authors can also present the work.

4Q. Is there an option for a video or Skype presentation?
Ans: Yes, we allow for video presentations. Make sure you check the recommended format and guidelines for Video Presentation

5Q. Can I join as an advisory board member/session chair/keynote speaker?
Ans: Yes, you can. Contact the Program Coordinator at for more details.

Q6. Can you sponsor my travel and accommodation?
Ans: Since IASTEM is a non-profit organization, we do not provide sponsorship for travel and accommodation.

Q7. Can the submission date be extended?
Ans: Participants are requested to submit the abstract on or before the deadline. Exception can be made if the participant has a valid reason.

Q8.Can I pay the early bird fee even after the early bird date expires?
Ans: You cannot register under the early-bird category after the deadline.

Q9. How many pages are allowed for a full paper?
Ans: 6-8 pages are allowed for a full paper submission.

Q10. What is the price for extra pages, if any?
Ans: Each extra page charges 20 USD.

Q11. What is the word limit of the abstract?
Ans: 300-400 words.

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